Two days ago, Japan experienced an ever worst 8.9 magnitude earthquake since the Great Kanto Earthquake, caused the death over 100,000 people.
officials confirmed that 1,400 people were killed in the quake,
more than 3,000 people are dead or missing, death toll is rising.
Officials anticipate another 7.0 magnitude of earthquake p
ossibly further damaging the already fragile nuclear plant.
nuclear plant is on the edge of meltdown,
Quoted this from ABC news:
"If there's a secondary earthquake, that could tip the whole thing over. Pipes could break, leaks could take place and even as you put sea water in, the water could bleed out, creating a full scale meltdown. That's the nightmare scenario."
if nuclear plant meltdown, radiation would disperse, threaten the health of human beings and environment, that's the worst scenarios, can't imagine
Let's us pray for Japan, let's us contribute some minor effort to hope Japan citizens in a safe condition.
Let's us pray the world will without WAR, without NATURAL DISASTERS and without DISEASES, then it will be an utopia.

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