21 June, 2009

special day to all fathers

21th of june was 2009 annual father's day, but family celebrated earlier, my sister was going to join a short trip to redang after dinner on saturday.
damn jealous her, I WANT GO TO BEACH!!!! my heart have been thirsting for years, but still couldn't get a chance. IT'S UNFAIR!!!
let's talk about where we're having dinner.
estimated 20mins journey from the heart of kuala lumpur, we reached kepong.
the restaurant hides in industrial park, named Camp Forest. the entrance is not obvious if you do not pay attention to the surrounding.
here's the snapshot of the shop: photo quality is bad, handphone camera only 2MP
surrounding of shop: it's nice, give it a thumb up!!!

i forgot to take the photo of those scrumptious dishes for instance sweet sour prawn, organic spinach soup, fried organic lettuce, "dong po rou" (don't know how to translate =.=, but it's quite famous since the early dynasty of china).
and for sure all are vegetarian.
when i realized that i should take some photos in order to promote the nice restaurant, blank plates were ready for me XD.
here are some pictures of my lovely and dearly family members:
she pretended as she is jay chou, beh tahan =.=he is cool, lol

15 June, 2009

my happy moment

the last day of milo fuze project, thanks to kar mun, kai xuan, kelly them that helped me a lot...
they are nice and funny, dude...
hope to see them soon because temporary i would not work with demo power.
saturday have to attend broadcast production class, that's why i have to give up.
the journey is getting harder, AJR students are facing overloaded assignments this semester.
how to communicate with broadcast students? how to produce a news segment?
the broadcast writing assignment makes me worried the most.
i'm facing the same problem with chee hoe, both of us were wandering at junction for quite a long time, however it's our decision to continue it.
perseverance is the key of success either.
job was done, outing with family at pizza hut as a reward.
as usual,two regular veggie lover and picked up all the onion before enjoy the pizza.
lol... onion is prohibited.
wearing skirt, but always act rudemilo fuze booth outlook
my sister

looks like never been eating pizza XD

08 June, 2009

"doctor" nowadays

a moment ago, i argued with a "doctor".
sure u will ask, y i argued with the "doctor"?
firstly, i put apostrophe marks on the word because he is not eligible for me to address him as doctor.
just now, i accompanied my mom to clinic as she is suffering from fever for few days.
2 days ago, she went before but the "doctor" didn't prescribe fever medicine for my mom.
thus, when in the consultation session with the "doctor", i was asking about why there was no fever medicine prescribed?
he said: you better go to IPR now. i'm only follow the medicine last time.
and then the "doctor" said the fever is not important.
and i do not fathom about this statement, so i asked further.
and the "doctor" suddenly get irritated and scold me : what's ur occupation?"
i answered: i'm student.
and then he said : you are only a student,
i'm doctor.
i got a "medical degree".
don't laugh at me.
i know more than you, the way u talk is rude,
what the hell? when i laugh at you? the way i talk is rude?
the "doctor" is over-sensitive. i'm just asking why fever and why there was no fever medine was prescribed.
i'm consumer, and now i cannot ask any question. right?
i know he does not have the capability to cure fever, and afraid my question will reveal his stupidity in front of staff.
that's why he scolded me before i ask further question.
if he is really capable, he won't be clinic now, isn't it?
i've never doubt about his professionalism when i stepped in the clinic, but now i'm totally changed my mind. i know he gets a medical degree, and get a PhD, that's why he is Permanent head Damage now.
firstly, the "doctor" do not possess etiquette
secondly, cannot doubt about the medicine prescribe by "doctor"
thirdly, there is no consumers' right in malaysia.
and the clinic i went is
Klinik dan Surgeri Setapak. it is located at Genting Kelang. the so called "doctor" is an indian, slightly plumpy with little beard.

03 June, 2009

my sister has been discharged from hospital and now stay in Medicare center nearby bukit bintang yesterday.
the reason why doctor approved my sister to be discharged was not due to she recovers from illness.
it's because there is no sign of development of her illness, thus it's better to let my sister discharged rather than stay at hospital for ages.
the amenities of medicare center isn't good enough.
the bed cannot be adjusted, not enough manpower to take care of so many patients.
moreover,there was no nurse check my sister frequently.
my mom worried how they will treat my sis and if something happen to my sis...
is my sister can get good care?
it's pathetic when think about it.
the medicare center charges rm1400 per month.
i couldn't figure out how a big sum of money my brother-in-law has spent in these two years...
god bless my sis...
i browse our photos, our face are full with happiness.
i miss the moment we celebrate father's and mother's day together.
no one was absent before...
sometimes i will avoid looking on these pics, but i can't help missing my sister.
it's as if my sister was beside us, nothing happened before.
once i see it, tears uncontrollably fall down my cheek...

01 June, 2009

a new semester

if u visit to my blog, u will found that it's in two languages either english or chinese.
when i am lazy, den i will type in english language.
if i'm hardworking enough, then definitely my post will be in chinese.
the first day of june 2009, i start my advanced diploma in journalism.
it's just the main course of journalism and it's just 10 students.
i expect it.
there are 3 writing papers in this semester, broadcast, online and business.
the business writing paper makes me frustrated, the first lecture was just introduction about jargon that will be used in writing.
what is elasticity in business writing?
moreover, we need memorize formula.
what the hell...
the maggi goreng i had eaten 2 hours ago was fully digested after business writing class.
now i found out that my digestive system really works well... lol...



阿信:对不起 刚才我 是不是听错
还是我 想太多 想到了昏头
丁当:天气 不错 开了窗 吹走脸红
阿信:进一步 退一步 都害怕打破
更不想 在原地 永远作朋友
丁当:给你 线索 也给我 勇敢藉口
下定决心 沉默
阿信:就让沉默 为我们追究
阿信:一字一句一瞬间 走了火
丁当:一天一点一转眼 入了魔
合:一步一步 走火入魔
阿信:一直猜 一直想 一直的揣摩
一直到 你变成 甜蜜的心痛
丁当:如果 可以 把如果 变成结果
下定决心 执着
阿信:就让执着 为我们突破
阿信:一字一句一瞬间 走了火
丁当:一天一点一转眼 入了魔
合:一步一步 走火入魔
阿信:一字一句一瞬间 走了火
丁当:一天一点一转眼 入了魔
